In which he threatens alien contact if people don't stop complaining!
"Eighth, banana comments that have mushroomed over the internet in the last few days are proof that most of the surface population is not ready for contact. So do not complain if there are delays in the future."
In which he rages!
"People posting banana or donkey comments on this blog will be forever banned from posting anything again. And if you do not know what a banana or a donkey comment is, think twice before posting and predict the consequences."
"My blog is a communications hub for the Light forces and not a trash bin so I would ask everyone to post your comments accordingly."
"I rarely delete comments and I do so only when they are extremely negative and counterproductive. The comments section in my blog has evolved into a sacred space where awakened beings can share ideas and revelations."
"Recently I have noticed an increase of negative, disrespectful, stupid and meaningless comments on my blog. Two courses of action remain open. One, to approve strictly and only comments that are meaningful and bring value to community and two, to disable comments section altogether. The choice is yours."
"Banana comments and reactions to my recent posts have proven that a lot of healing work needs to be done. Facing those comments, when I have asked the Resistance why should I continue posting on my blog, they have communicated that „they need a voice of reason and sanity on the surface of the planet that can assist in the Breakthrough“."
"The purpose of this post is to explain the balance of power between the Light and the Dark forces on this planet as a response to some comments in my blog. Further comments and questions are welcome but please with clear logic and without the emotional drama of “Cobra’s clones”, “shills for Rockefeller” and “disinformation agents.”"
"Kindergarten reactions and comments to some aspects of my previous article were predicted, expected and deflected. The mission continues."
Bonjour pourquoi ne pas continuer. T très très intéressant